Blog SW Development
[Spring] A & A (JWT, Security)
[스프링] 인증 및 인가 (JWT, Security)
When developing with the Java Spring framework, I have summarized key terms related to JWT, which is commonly used for implementing login functionality.
JWT (JSON Web Token)
- A claim-based web token that stores user attributes using JSON format. It is primarily used as a …
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[MSA] Spring Cloud
[MSA] 스프링 클라우드
Here is a summary of key terms related to Spring Cloud for MSA development. Spring Cloud offers similar functionalities on AWS or GCP but is composed of modules that can be quickly and easily applied within the Spring Framework. The main modules and their key …
Spring(Java) MSARead more →
[API Tool] Swagger
[API 설계 및 테스트] Swagger
In recent Spring projects, I had the opportunity to use Swagger. As a widely-used technology today, I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, I found it to be such an essential tool that it seems indispensable, especially for testing and collaboration during …
Spring(Java)Read more →
[JPA] QueryMethod vs. JPQL vs. QueryDSL
When working with Java Persistence API (JPA) for data persistence in Java applications, developers encounter different methods for querying data. Selecting the right approach can optimize performance, enhance maintainability, and make development more efficient. This article highlights …
Spring(Java) JPARead more →
[New Tech.] Quantum computing
[신기술] 양자컴퓨팅이란?
ELK Stack?
ELK Stack:Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
1. Introduction
The ELK Stack is a powerful set of tools for data logging, search, and visualization, making it an essential choice for monitoring and analyzing IT systems. Comprising Elasticsearch, Logstash, …
Read more →[Dev] Bitcoin Automated Tradin
비트코인 자동매매 개발
Developing Bitcoin Automated Trading: Tools and Real-World Examples
1. Introduction
Bitcoin automated trading development has become increasingly popular as more traders look to maximize profits and optimize trading efficiency through automation. …
BitcoinRead more →
Git Flow vs. Trunk-Based Dev
Git Flow vs. Trunk-Based Development
Successful software projects heavily rely on effective code management and collaboration strategies. Git Flow and Trunk-Based Development are two widely adopted workflows. Each comes with its unique benefits and …
Read more →[Mobile]Flutter vs React Nativ
[Mobile App Dev] Flutter vs React Native
What is Flutter ?
Flutter is an open-source UI software development toolkit created by Google, released in 2017. It allows developers to build cross-platform applications with a single codebase for Android, iOS, web, and desktop platforms.
… Mobile AppRead more →
[A Comparative Guide] NoSQL
NoSQL 비교 가이드
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